Seeking New Ideas to Publish
As we end 2013, it feels like the world is on the precipice of something new. It’s exciting, thrilling, and, dare I say, honestly optimistic to believe that we can actually fashion a better society whose values are humanistic, collaborative, and evolutionary.
We at Publish to Get Clients are seeking authors who have new ideas. We want to work with thought leaders in all fields to help you articulate and publish your ideas. The world needs more voices filled with prescient wisdom to help us build the next piece of the bridge that takes us into the future. I love working with people who have leading-edge ideas, combining my creativity with your thinking to produce an engaging book that will enthrall readers and make us rethink what we thought we knew. It’s time for brilliant new ideas — each new idea inches us forward towards a better future.
I invite you to contact me to discuss how Publish to Get Clients can help you publish a quality book that expresses what you have to offer the world. I look forward to talking to you about how we can help you through book development, ghostwriting, editing, book design, self-publishing, marketing and promotion. Mention the term New Era and we will give you a 10% discount on our services.
Have a wonderful holiday season and here’s to our future in 2014 and beyond.
Posted by Rick Benzel
- Posted in authoring a book, e-books, self-publishing, strategic use of publishing, thought leadership
Dec, 19, 2013
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