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Issues related to writing and developing your manuscript

What Type of Editor Do You Need for Your Book Project?

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You are in the midst of writing your book. You have gotten into the process, utilizing all your enthusiasm, will power, organization skills, and chutzpah to plow ahead, envisioning a book with your name on it. Maybe you‘ve written 10, 50 or even 200 pages.  You’re more or less proud of your effort so far, but […]

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7 Writing Retreat Benefits

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  Do you wonder if it is worth your time to attend a writing retreat? Here are some good reasons to consider it. 1.  It is often difficult to clear your mind from all your other daily activities and responsibilities so you can focus exclusively on your writing project. Without being able to turn your […]

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Foreword, Preface, Introduction, or Prologue – Which One?

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Many authors of non-fiction books get trumped up starting their book because they can’t decide which they need—a foreword, a preface, a prologue, or an introduction–or may it’s some combination of these?  Here’s the difference. Foreword – First of all, be sure to spell this correctly.  DO NOT SPELL IT as “forward,” or “Foreward.” THOSE […]

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How Long Should My Book Be?

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One of the vexing questions many authors face is how long their book should be. They know they have to produce more words than a college essay, but exactly how long is a book? Many authors will, of course, scout out the books they consider their competitors, and then try to imitate their page counts. […]

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