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10 Great Reasons to Write a Book – Part 1

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Do you believe there is a book in you, but you’re just not sure if you should follow through the process of writing and publishing it? Does a voice in your head keep telling to get writing, but youdon’t understand why? I want to devote this blog to helping you sort out these feelings.  In my […]

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How Much Do You Lose by Not Publishing Your Book?

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In this world, time is money. The longer you procrastinate in making the decision to write your book and taking the plunge, the more potential profit you fail to make. Being an author drives business to your door and raises your reputational capital. Think of it this way: A book is a major key to building your […]

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Foreword, Preface, Introduction, or Prologue – Which One?

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Many authors of non-fiction books get trumped up starting their book because they can’t decide which they need—a foreword, a preface, a prologue, or an introduction–or may it’s some combination of these?  Here’s the difference. Foreword – First of all, be sure to spell this correctly.  DO NOT SPELL IT as “forward,” or “Foreward.” THOSE […]

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