How Much Do You Lose by Not Publishing Your Book?
In this world, time is money. The longer you procrastinate in making the decision to write your book and taking the plunge, the more potential profit you fail to make. Being an author drives business to your door and raises your reputational capital.
Think of it this way: A book is a major key to building your credibility and reputation in the marketplace. Having a book offers you a chance to attract more clients to your business, become a speaker, and build a larger footprint in your world. If you could win just 1 or 2 extra clients for your business because you authored a book that they saw and read, imagine how much that might add to your income. For many consultants, the revenue from a few extra clients far surpasses the costs they incur to write and publish a book.
You can even monetize your book before you publish it. Did you ever think about the fact that as soon as you have your book title and perhaps an image of your book cover, you can begin advertising it on your website and in your email signatures.
So if you have been thinking of writing of a book, or even if you have just the germ of an idea for a book, talk to me. I will show you how to take your concepts and transform them into a book. Our book coaching programs are reasonably priced and we provide you with 35+ years of expertise, knowledge, and experience in book publishing — far more than just about any other coach or self-publishing company you can find anywhere.
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- Posted in authoring a book, building reputation, strategic use of publishing, Uncategorized, value of publishing
Dec, 29, 2013
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